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Your estate agency needs a blog – here’s why!

October 30th, 2023

When estate agents reach out to us to build them a website, they are often impartial to the idea of a blog section. But a blog has so many benefits, which we want to share with you below. For a more personalised discussion on all types of website content, don’t hesitate to contact WEBPRO Estate soon.

Do estate agents need a blog?

Blogging can be highly beneficial for all types of businesses, especially estate agents operating in a highly competitive market. There are many advantages of including a blog section on your website and adding to it with high-quality content frequently. These are:

  1. Blogs are exceptional for your SEO performance which ultimately means more website traffic 
  2. Blogs can create repeat website visitors and a group of people who come back to you for answers 
  3. Thus, blogs can establish your authority in the property market, which is an excellent way of building trust with prospective buyers, landlords and those looking to sell

Blogging is great for SEO

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is an array of services that can improve how search engines rank your web pages in terms of relevancy and value for internet users. The ranking your pages are given is important because it affects how visible they are to people who make relevant searches online. Getting your web page to appear on the first page is the optimum goal to attract more clicks and prospective clients.

Blogging is one of the best ways to improve SEO performance. By updating your website frequently with new content, search engines will recognise that you are providing regular value for those searching relevant questions (e.g. How much do houses cost in [location]? or What is landlord insurance?).

Blogs can be optimised even more by including relevant SEO keyphrases. To do this, an SEO expert can research what your target market is searching the most – even in a specific area. You can then use this list of keyphrases to inform the content written in the blogs. In simple terms, you can be found more easily if you speak like your market!

Blogging creates authority and repeat visitors

Publishing blogs has many other benefits, including an avenue to establish authority in the market. We all know the property market can be fiercely competitive, so gaining an authoritative voice in a certain niche or specific location can be highly beneficial.

Blogs are one way of achieving this, especially if you provide real fact-checked value to readers on commonly asked questions or the latest industry news. In doing so, you could foster repeat visitors who come to your site primarily to get information. If this does occur, it is also recognised by search engines and great for your SEO performance, as explained in Google’s latest EEAT update.

Top tip for blogging in 2023!

You can make your blog content even better and even more appealing in the eyes of search engines. It is now recommended to create a hierarchical structure with your blogs and guides which link forwards to more niche blogs on relevant subjects and back to larger topics and master guide pages.

For example, you might have a master guide on renting out a property, which will link forward to shorter articles on landlord insurance, claiming depreciation against rental income and much more.

Doing so can create a flow between blogs so readers can progress their knowledge and understanding on individual topics easily. If all of this sounds confusing or a lot of work, the good news is your web developer will be able to help you create the hierarchical structure you need within your website.

Estate agency-specific blogging services

WEBPRO Estate offers highly regarded blog creation services and, as web developers, we can also ensure your blogging strategy aligns with your website structure. We can even provide you with SEO keyphrase research services to make the most of each blog and generate more readers. With our professional content, you will be able to repurpose it in other areas, such as social media accounts or email newsletters, making your marketing investments go further.

Recap: Incorporating a blog section into a business website, particularly for competitive sectors like property, offers multifaceted benefits. Blogs enhance SEO performance, driving increased website traffic and enhanced authority, fostering trust and repeat visitors seeking insights. By optimising content with relevant SEO keyphrases, blogs attract target audiences effectively. The strategic use of hierarchical blog structures further improves user experience, aiding seamless navigation between related topics.


It is estimated that 77% of people who use the internet read blogs. Thus, blogs have a lot of reach!  

#Blogging #Creative Content #Social Media #Creative Content #Online Marketing #SEO #Website Traffic